Port Elizabeth, EC

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Latest reviews from Port Elizabeth

ROBERT wrote a review for Internet Generation
- 11/14/2020 8:49:16 AM
Quote Worst company I have seen in 60 years in business. PATHETIC to say the least!!!!! read more
- 8/30/2017 8:15:08 PM
Quote good services rendered read more
- 6/19/2017 8:45:09 AM
Quote I ordered and paid R9000 for a camera from Best consumer electronics and R300 for delivery. There were two delivery dates which they didn't comply with and then they told me their courier was in an ac... read more
msuthukazi wrote a review for Ready 4 Life Trust
- 3/6/2017 8:05:17 AM
Quote Good Morning I am a student at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU). We were given a task of choosing an organisation or school that is in need in order for us to offer a helping hand in ... read more
- 9/27/2016 1:38:29 PM
Quote Had dealing with company, and the goods was never delivered. Company refuses to supply company registration details aswell as SARS tax clearance certificate. Address supplied is also not vlaid read more


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